Summer time!!! I love summer. I am so glad it is here. Every year we get passes to the water park. This is the picture I took from my chair today, and I hardly left that spot. Ethan is still in school until next Wednesday, so just us girls went today. There was hardly anyone there, it was nice and relaxing.
here is a pic of me with two of my bffs relaxing at the waterpark we are looking forward to many more fun filled days there this summer. Maybe next time I will make it out of my chair and into the water!!!
So I registered for fall semester at BSU and talked to my advisor, and it turns out I have more credits that work for my degree than I had originally thought. It will still take me awhile to finish until I can go full time, some of the classes only have one time you can take them, and I wont be able to take those until all my kids are in school. But I am excited. I decided to take three classes instead of two, so I am hoping that I will be able to handle the load my first semester back in almost 11 years. I am taking Educational Psychology, College Algebra, and Educational Technology. Should be tons o' fun!!!
My sister had her third baby 2 months ago, and I had promised her that I would give her some bows for her baby. I realized how expensive bows are, so I decided to learn how to do it myself. I haven't done anything 'crafty' in quite awhile, so I am pretty excited about how they turned out. I also made some for her other daughter, and for my girls. I also decided to make some clips with flowers on them and cute little clippies.
My girls are so excited to wear them! I am learning to make other cute bows as well..
I cant believe Dane and I have been married for 10 years!!! SO much has happened, it has gone by so fast, but sometimes I feel like I cant remember what my life was like without him! I would like to share the story of how we met.
It was August 27, 1998, my best friend, Jessica's 20th birthday. We were having a party at my totally awesome friend, Melissa's house (She is super cool and will be reading this and I want her to know that she my other bff, and she will NEVER be forgotten). My friend, Joel, asked one of my friends to take his brother, Dane out, because he had just gotten home from his mission from Uruguay a week or so before. So she brought him to the party. I remember seeing him and thinking he was super cute. Another male friend was there, we will call him 'R', who had a crush on me but I was not attracted to him at all so we were just friends. 'R' had gone to the fair the day before and had bought me a bag of cotton candy, trying to get on my good side, probably hoping for a date, and he gave it to me that night. Somehow it ended up that Dane said that he liked cotton candy, so I decided to share my cotton candy with Dane. Now that I look back on it, it seems pretty bold of me because I was pretty shy... this was my first time meeting him, and here I am sharing a bag of sweet deliciousness with him. That night, I didn't know that every year on August 27 I would buy us a bag of cotton candy to share. I also didnt know that this 'boy' was going to be the one I would spend the rest of my life with in 8 short months.
Dane had been on a date every day since he got home. In fact, he went out with my sister before he went out with me. I think it was Labor Day. I remember my mom calling me at work asking me who the good looking boy was who was picking Kimberly up for a date! I think our first Date was September 9. We went to Boondocks. I knew this man was special. I felt very lucky that he would be interested in me. He made me feel like no one had ever made me feel. I couldn't get enough of him. But, he being a man just off his mission, he was on a new mission - to take his next step and find a wife! And I did not think I was ready to take that step. I figured I would be done with school before I got married. But Dane was ready. He told me the day after our first date that he loved me. I told him I would not say it until I meant it. I mean, really? Who says they 'I love you' so early? Not me.
We continued dating, but he wanted to know if I thought I could marry him. He had prayed after our first date and knew that he could marry me. I just didnt know what to do. I thought that I need more life experiences and to date more. But I didn't want to lose him. He was perfect to me in every way. Why couldn't we just continue dating for awhile? So I told Dane we should date other people so that I could know what I wanted. A boy in my macroeconomics class happened to ask me out a few days later. So we went out. He was a really nice guy, but while I was on this date it hit me. I realized that this was not something I wanted or needed to do anymore. I didn't need to date other people to know that this man was who I wanted to spend my life with. Life doesn't always go the way you plan it. You can't plan on when you are going to fall in love. And when it comes you need to grab it, whether it fits into your plans or not. I knew after that that I was ready to take the next step. So after the date I went to Dane's house and told him I had changed my mind.
I believe I was actually the one to say to Dane "So when are we going to get married?" So almost 3 months to the day we first met, a couple of days before Thanksgiving, Dane asked me to be his wife, for time and all eternity. A little over 5 months later, May 1, 1999, we were married in the Boise temple, the best decision I have ever made.
And now, ten years later, I cant remember not having Dane in my life. It hasn't always been easy, but it has been worth it. We have brought three beautiful children into this world. We have had good times, we have had so many wonderful experiences together, and we have struggled through hard times, but I have always known this is where I want to be.
My favorite things are the funny things that only we share, the things that make us laugh. Things that I could tell you, but you would not understand. I am so excited to spend another 10 years of new experiences and new little inside jokes.
This is the lyrics to a song that reminds me of Dane everytime I hear it. We used to listen to the radio late at night while we were in bed when we were first married and this song was always on the radio. I love the lyrics to this song.
The other song is the song we danced to at our wedding. It is called "Suddenly" by Soraya. Most people have never heard of her because she is a latin artist. Her songs are not famous in the US, but Dane got her CD when he was on his mission in Uruguay and we used to listen to this song all the time while we were dating.
I am a 28 *wink-wink* year old mom of three who loves spending time with my family and loves to have fun! I am going back to school this fall to become an elementary school teacher or to teach math in middle school! If you need to know more about me then I probably don't know you, and that means you are stalking my blog! :)