Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bows, Bows, Bows!

My sister had her third baby 2 months ago, and I had promised her that I would give her some bows for her baby. I realized how expensive bows are, so I decided to learn how to do it myself. I haven't done anything 'crafty' in quite awhile, so I am pretty excited about how they turned out. I also made some for her other daughter, and for my girls. I also decided to make some clips with flowers on them and cute little clippies.

My girls are so excited to wear them! I am learning to make other cute bows as well..


AlliB said...

how cute! I want to learn!! Kristi you could open an Etsey store to sell these! Make some $$$!! We could also do a thing on my blog to get you some business!!

Leslie said...

Cute!! I definitely need some for my new little niece before I leave!

jess said...

who knew you had it in ya?