Monday, September 28, 2009


The summer flew by and before we knew it it was time for us all to go back to school. I took the kids with me to BSU to buy my books and find my classes. They thought it was so cool to see where I was going to be going to school! We took a couple of pictures on campus

the kids wanted to make hearts with their hands
showing how much they love coming to see my school

I started school a week before the kids did. Here is a picture of me before school.

Here's the kids first day of school pictures

We took pictures of each of them with their teachers.

Paige with her teacher, Miss Calame

Ethan with Mrs. Penney
Lexi with our favorite teacher, Miss Traci

We are all so excited to be in school! I cant wait to see how I am going to do after 11 years of being out of school. I will keep you posted!!!

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